Need to move off VMware?

Made easy with Acuuetch


Microsoft’s hybrid platforms provide the capabilities for your organisation to thrive, whether large or small.

With recent industry trends and the associated increases in licensing costs of VMware products, the Microsoft platform has become the go to solution for many organisations, including those with existing investments in non-Microsoft technologies.

For existing VMware customers wishing to migrate to Microsoft, the technical, operational and logistic challenges can be concern.

Address these concerns with Acuutech.

Acuutech has simple solutions to migrate your VMware systems and workloads; VM’s, containers, VDI, databases and data.

Whatever the target system; Azure, Azure Local or Windows Server, Acuutech make it easy.


A real challenge, with a real solution

The Acuutech engagement apporach

Understand the challenge

Build a full nderstanding of the workloads, servcies and business drivers that will effect the migration.

Plan the solution

Create a detailed plan, both technical and opperational.

Simplify with technology

Use the correct technolgies, tooling and automation to simplfiy and minimise errors.

Test, validate, implement

Test the plan, test the migration, test the failback solutinos.  Only when happy, execute the plan.

Migration is not magic

The Inconvenient Truth

Migrations are not about technology or tooling.

Vendors will tell you lots of things, perhaps it’s that their magic tooling will “just migrate everything”, or perhaps they will say “migration is easy with our free tool”, some might even try to make out migrations can happen with zero application downtime.

Here is the sad truth:

  • VM migration is not instant
    • Planning time
    • Migration time
  • Reconfigure in guest apps and services
    • Validate performance
    • Update / change network topologies
    • There is going to be downtime
  • Everyone will need to do some work (even with a perfect migration)

Good news – Acuutech has the experience, operational and technical skills to understand this complexity challenge.

Acuutech difference

Planing makes everything simpler

Acuutech’s migration solutions takes care of everything, with VM settings, data volumes, security, networking and firewall settings migrated as part of the service.

Even if you are running complex clustered workloads or replicated databases, we can build migration solutions that allow your clustered VM based workloads to continue operation throughout the migration cycle.


Complexity; What complexity

Everything taken care of

VM, configuration and data disks

Minimal down time conversion of VM’s, VM configuration files and data disks, between the source and destination systems.

Full Workload Discovery

A succesful migration starts with a full understanding of what is being migrated, the opperational and business constainsts.

Migration Window Planning

Data replication times, connection speeds between systems, application failover and startup times. Correctly factoring all of these into a migration is key.

Parallel Operations Planning

Planning operations of applications and services during the migration window to make sure the operational SLA’s and recovery targets are maintained, even during migration programs spanning many weeks, months or years.

Network Settings Migration

Maintian network settings beween the source and destination system.

Roll-back contingency planning

Plan for problems, to avoid the problems. With full failback and migration abort roll-back planning included, should anything go wrong, you won’t be left without an operational system.

"VMware licensing renewal costs and uncertainty of future roadmap is driving platform change."

Migration drivers

"Aging servers, with limited or no software and hardware support."

Migration drivers

"System consolidation and modernisation; driving down TOC and increasing flexibility."

Migration drivers

End of life servers

  • Refresh aging virtualization hosts to improve security and scale
  • Eliminate legacy SAN storage to reduce footprint and TCO
  • Simplify operations with unified tools and a single point of support

Cost of licensing

  • Save you cost, by fully utilising the Microsoft licenses you already have
  • Move your VMware estate and avoid the predicted support licence increases
  • Modernise your infrastructure

Opperations optimisation

  • Embrace digital transformation, whilst improving sustainability, less power / cooling and rack space will help reduce costs further!
  • Benefit from cloud On-Premise
  • Centralised control through Microsoft ARC at any location with the hardware of your choice
  • Ensure that your environment is secure and compliant and underpins the critical services that you require

Migration options

Simple approach, simple pricing

VM Migration

Fixed fee, per virtual amchine

Data migration

Fixed fee, per 1TB of data

User Migration

Fixed fee, per user

Migration options

Get in touch to learn more

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