Acuutech ScopeSys

Azure Local solution Scoping Made Easy

Make the design, configuration and ordering of Azure Local solutions easy, by removing the technical complexity associated with scoping Azure Local environments.

ScopeSys ensures that Azure Local systems are well designed, planned and well executed, without the complexity.

Register for ScopeSys

Create solutions faster

Convert more opportunities

Optimised solutions

Tuned to meet your clients exact needs

Ready to order

Turnkey hardware packages

Networking solutions

Switching, cables and management

Design Azure Local solutions with ease

Scope and design complete Azure Local solutions, with ease; no detailed technical knowledge required.

With Acuutech ScopeSys create the right solution for your clients faster, first time, without mistakes.

Reduce your time to market and increase your sales opportunities, with the power to design solutions from the smallest Edge, to the largest multi-site Enterprise configuration.

Right fit first time

Deliver working systems, every time. 

When it comes to providing efficient and effective Azure Local systems, users don’t always realise just how complex a task it is until it’s too late.

This can result are broken, inefficient and ineffective systems, which fail to deliver on every level.

These then need to be unpicked, a costly and time-consuming task, not to mention a waste of your initial investment.

Guaranteeing that what is proposed is fit-for-purpose, ScopeSys utilises best practice processes to build a working solution tailored to meet the specific needs of the customer in question. By taking advantage of the advanced capabilities offered by ScopeSys, you can ensure customer success. 

Deep knowledge, extensive expertise 

By leveraging Acuutech’s deep knowledge and extensive experience in the development of Microsoft solutions, and a world leader in Azure Local solutions, ScopeSys provides your customers with a tool that’s fit for today, tomorrow and beyond. Ensuring the right solution first time.

Business requirments focused

Design working solutions, that are  defined around business requirements.

Simply enter your client’s needs to get instant results, including hardware, rack configuration and network connections.

No more worrying about system components or trying to navigate a multitude of hardware options.

Give your clients solutions without the interrogation

We all know that clients don’t always know what they currently have or accurately what they need, yet they still want a solution straight away.

With ScopeSys skip the background system interrogation, all you need is basic information and ScopeSys will generate turnkey options that will correctly deliver on your client’s needs.

Need to fine tune or have access to detailed requirements information; even better, ScopeSys can use this to deliver precise configurations that account for a multitude of factors.

Tuned and optimised hardware package’s

Go beyond simple validated hardware, with ScopeSys, server (node) and network configurations are tuned and optimised to correctly balance all internal components.  Avoiding the bottlenecks that can reduce system stability or performance.

Keeping you in control

Easily follow a solutions evolution or return to a previous version via detailed auditing and tracking or Integrate with your CRM platform to monitor purchase trends.

Multi-site made easy

ScopeSys takes care of everything for you, allowing you to design site to site, stretch and hub-spoke topologies with ease.

With ScopeSys avoid the traditional challenges associated with designing multi-site and stretch clusters.




ScopeSys 2.0 new features

Design Kubernetes (AKS) workloads
Design virtual desktop solutions (AVD and Citrix)
Graphics (GPU) acceleration of workloads (GPU and GPU-P requirements calculation)
Enhanced output (snapshot) with direct to quote / order workflow
Direct import of workloads from common system inventory tools
Inline editing of workload specifications
Output (snapshot) branding and customisation

Enhance your Azure Local solution delivery

The right solution for your clients faster, first time, without mistakes


Create, change, refine, update; rinse and repeat.  The solution design and quoting process is never a simple one.

Your in control; edit and change a solution in real time, allowing your users to easily create solution snapshots or several alternatives for client review.

Share summaries with the client or download ready to order hardware packages.


Tailor-made solutions

ScopeSys designs and scopes solutions according to specific customer requirements.  Not in terms of advanced technical specifications, but what the customer is actually looking to achieve.

This might be an expansion to existing operations, an increase in technical performance, or a desire to enhance operational effectiveness.

The scoping tool calculates suitable hardware packages, network equipment and node counts, building optimised solutions for all modern workloads; virtual machines, Kubernetes, virtual desktop and GPU acceleration.

It provides answers to questions such as ‘How much storage do I need?’ and ‘What sort of networking will be required?’, supporting solutions from the tiny edge to the largest multi-site datacenter.

Critcally, ScopeSys also tells you when things can’t be done, rejecting configurations that won’t meet user requirements.

Empower your people

The enabling tool for organisations who want the ability to propose, scope and design Azure Local solutions that will achieve real results for their customers as quickly as possible.

This intuitive, user-friendly solution is perfectly placed for sales and pre-sales teams who aren’t necessarily experts in the underlying technology.

Quick and interactive, ScopeSys designs solutions that deliver optimum levels of performance and efficiency, empowering and enabling sales and pre-sales teams to scope and configure effective customer-centric solutions that will be right first time.

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